9 Apr 2011

Springtime joy

Remember those Peanuts comics telling you that happiness is a warm puppy or a big bunch of dry leaves? What I especially like about these drawings is that they make you appreciate the small things in life.

So every now and then I try to do the same. To share a little happiness. Back in the winter of 2009, happiness to me was a warm fireplace, while some months earlier happiness was rediscovering one of my butterfly shots, as it made me realise just how fantastic summer in little old Denmark can be.

Right now, on this particular April Saturday, happiness is springtime. We are enjoying one of the first really sunny and almost warm days of 2011. On such a day, you don't have to do much else than simply look out the window, and a smile immediately appears.

So: Happiness is...one of the first beautiful spring days following a long winter.

The picture today is obviously from Paris. Here spring sprung a little earlier than in Denmark, giving us the opportunity to enjoy European springtime when we went there in March.