22 Dec 2008

Christmas time

Earlier this month - on the first day of Christmas - I promised you a more 'Christmassy' shot. Since then, I have been carrying my camera with me, annoying people around me by suddenly stopping in the middle of my path to immortalise some odd motive. This has resulted in a number of pictures, some beautiful - and some simply quite special.

The one I want to share with you today is, in my opinion, of the former kind. To me it captures some of the spirit of Christmas, as this is, as we say in Danish 'hjerternes fest' (roughly translates into 'celebration of hearts').

Christmas is about family, joy, love and peace - and about cosyness, decorations and lights to light up the darkness during this first of the winter months. Therefore, the macro shot of this tiny Christmas heart, captured at a moment when the sun shone in the window, is among my favourite frames taken during the last couple of weeks.

However, Christmas is also about weird stuff . About filling your house with all sorts of crazy elfs, reindeer and santa figures, which you would, at any other time of the year, look at with dismay and ban from your home immediately. But during December, these lovely, though strange, creatures find their way into our homes and our hearts. But that is a whole other story, for which I have one of the more 'special' shots in store for you some time during the next couple of days.

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