While sorting through my photos, I came across this one. Though the beach in Denmark is generally most inviting during the summer, it actually makes for quite nice times during the rest of the year as well. I grew up near a beach - this particular beach actually - and have always loved going there during winter, when the rest of the population prefer a bunch of other locations - mainly warmer ones.
As I recall, the picture in this post is taken during one of these walks in December a couple of years back. While staying indoor is indeed quite cosy and generally much warmer at that time of year, the light outside, when the sun graces us with a cold and clear day, invites you to take a stroll, stretch your legs, and work off some of all that lovely Christmas food.
In the town where I grew up, the beach is ideal for this. While in summer it is usually packed with sunbathing people, doing their best to get an even tan, no matter how troublesome that actually is, in the winter you can have it almost to yourself. Only a few dog-walkers, the occational bird-watcher and a handful of other people, who have got the same idea as yourself, will be walking along the sandy coast or chasing the waves as they hit the shore.
The general scarcity of people occupying the area also means that the wildlife is able to have a ball - at long last they get their domain to themselves. That is why, when I, on that December day, was walking along the beach, the sand was filled with tiny three-toed footprints and only a few of the larger, human marks.