After the very picturesque sunset, I thought it was time for something more fun. Riding my bike home from work today, I got to thinking about this picture, which I took a little less than two years ago. The reason I thought of it was that it is getting cold in Denmark! And riding home the air had a frosty bite to it, like the sensation you get just before it starts to snow. This could, though, be caused by the weather reports promising (or threatening, depending how you look at it) snow tomorrow and during the weekend. Well, no matter why I thought of snow, the combination of that sensation and the Christmas decorations in the shops and streets (though it is still November), reminded me of this picture.
Like with the sunset, it is taken in Aarhus, close to where I lived then. A local kindergarten had a couple of goats hiding in a shed from the cold - clever animals indeed! I, however, had come to a different conclusion and ran around with my camera - the bright sun on the pure, white snow was simply too beautiful not to go look at - and photograph.
So when I came up to the fence, the goats, clever yet very curious as they are, came running towards me. And this little fellow found himself nippling at a seasoned Christmas tree (get the pun? - I'm simply filled with humour of a questionable kind today). So there the motive was - and there I was - fortunately with my camera.
On a different note, though the Christmas decorations reminded me of this picture, it is actually taken in January, which probably explains why the tree is there in the first place.
Finally, I know that I don't have that many readers yet - actually only one, if I'm correct, but anyone who might stumple across my site here is welcome to comment, if they like.
Now that's it for today - enjoy the upcoming weekend - with or without snow.